John Fitzpatrick, our Managing Director and Principal Occupational Therapist, qualified in 2001. His entire career to date has involved wheelchair assessment and prescription, both in New Zealand and the UK.
John provides expert witness services for matters relating to wheelchair provision. In this role, it is John’s role to provide impartial, objective advice to the court.
Most of John’s work involves clinical negligence cases, where he will determine whether the treatment provided to a wheelchair user is within the scope of competent practice. This can be requested before any court proceedings are issued, and used to determine the strength of a claim.
John is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council. He has led a team of therapists and technicians in a large NHS wheelchair service and has managed Silver Fern Therapy since 2013.
Before Silver Fern Therapy was formed in 2013, John was employed by a wheelchair manufacturer, providing expert knowledge to NHS and private prescribers on a range of wheelchair and related products. He sees several hundred wheelchair users each year for clinical assessment, advice and prescription.
John has completed the training requirements for the Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate (Civil) with Cardiff University.